Thursday 19 November 2015

Beginning inferences

As posted last week, we have begun our work on making inferences while reading. We opened the unit by practicing the language of making inferences. Since when making inferences you are really making informed guesses on the author's message, we use language such as "I think...", "Maybe...", and "Possibly..." while then supporting our inferences with evidence and personal examples.

We then read the book "Yo! Yes!". This book has a very limited number of words, but is still able to convey a story. We examined techniques that the author, Chris Raschka, used to help us infer this story. Using these techniques, students are now busy creating their own "scripts" of limited dialogue. They will present these on Monday to the class. Students are invited to bring in any props or costumes that they would like to use in their skits. I expect that Monday's class will be a lot of fun!

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